Friendship COlor

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Andy DeYoung References of note for color/ look:

Colorful: Mommy (2014) // Three Colors: Blue // Punch-Drunk Love

Neutral: Fargo // Manchester-by-the-Sea // Foxcatcher

*Note: I will start building out a section with Costume observations. Looking at King of Comedy & Punch-Drunk Love in particular, you can see so much of their palette being controlled by costume.

The Neutral & The Naturalistic

Manchester-by-the-Sea // Fargo // Roy ANdersson // About Schmidt

These are Flatter, more Naturalistic & monochromatic. Winter to the Bone.

The Rich & The Saturated

Mommy // Three Colors: Blue// Punch Drunk Love

These three lean into saturated tones, with special focus (particularly with Mommy & Blue) on rich, golden hues of warmth, contrasted with deep blues.

Andy Ryz’s Initial Ideas.

Here are some initial ideas for our Characters.

Rocio & Chloe can ignore these or make them more cohesive, but these are the worlds I had been imagining.


Cold, dulled & muted Blues and (mint) Greens + Browns


ALive, warm, rich colors. Red, Yellow, etc. Earthy?


Splashes of Spring colors- particularly her flowers.

Pops of blues and pinks, growing out of Craig’s dull, muted colors

Craig’s Work:

Browns & Greens